Learn more about Strengths & Education Coaching
Every child is unique and deserves to be seen and treated as an individual. Many families employ tutors who provide skill support for aspects of reading, writing, and math. While this might be a good start for many, tutoring can easily “miss the mark” if it only addresses a whittled down curriculum skill needed to perform a specific task.
Tutoring Services: Strong Minds Educational Coaching
Strengths & Educational Coaching is different. It is rooted in the belief that healthy families are the greatest strength in our society, and that parents are the anchors for children and young people in a rapidly shifting culture. Educational Coaching partners with parents and emphasizes:
Discovering strengths, discussing ideal outcomes, and implementing steps toward a preferred future
Developing confidence for the whole child
A strong understanding of self and developing autonomous learning and studying skills
Executive functioning, including organizational skills and self-advocacy
Family understanding and active engagement
Academic and school-based needs
Making learning “stick”
Can Strengths and Educational Coaching teach academic skills?
Absolutely! Academic achievement is an important element in a young person’s confidence and success. In addition to high quality pedagogical reading, writing, and math instruction, Educational Coaching uses specific coaching methods of encouragement, reinforcement, metacognition, and interleaved learning individualized for each student. Educational Coaching is rooted in multiple educational and psychological theoretical approaches to develop independence in core academic skills – and so much more!
What can Strengths & Educational Coaching do for families?
This service elevates and illuminates the educational experience for students and families by providing high-quality, active engaging training for parents who wish to partake in the educational and functional growth of their children. Your Educational Coach has worked with hundreds of families around the world to develop increased understanding of how children learn and to provide easy-to-use strategies that
improves core academic skills;
partners with families to achieve meaningful goals;
develops metacognition;
bridges the parent and education relationship; and
empowers parents.
What will Strengths & Educational Coaching look like?
Your child will work with an Educational Coach at least once a week. In-person sessions are 1-hour; optional virtual sessions are at least 15-minutes. In-person sessions will focus on the skill areas explored in Onboarding, as well as those discovered through appreciative inquiry in the initial parent interview and training. The Initial Onboarding Session also includes Parent Coaching and training. Commitment to regular and consistent meetings are required at the commencement of Coaching for at least five sessions and will be maintained at the request of the family.
Weekly Educational Coaching is provided to students and families by the hour. The initial Onboarding Session includes a 75-90-minute Onboarding with family members and the student that includes:
+ Skills Assessment for the area of focus requested
+ Parent training and dialogue
+ Plan of action for future sessions